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J.CREW商城 WE SIDE WITH STYLE OVER FASHION, think timelessness is underrated and find that clothes look best when they’re lived in. WE LOVE COLOR- BLOCKING AND PATTERN MIXING and temper tomboy with heels. WE’RE FANS OF TOUSLED HAIR and think everything’s right when something’s left just a little imperfect. WE WEAR SNEAKERS WITH SUITS, wing tips with jeans and chambray on chambray. WE DON’T BELIEVE THERE’S SUCH A THING AS OVERDRESSED—and we don’t rent tuxedos. WE’RE AN AMERICAN BRAND, but we source fabrics from around the world: Japanese seersucker, Irish linen and Italian wool. WE DON’T BELIEVE THERE’S JUST ONE WAY TO WEAR AN OUTFIT, but we do have a few ideas on how to pull one together. FOR US, THE MAGIC IS IN THE MIX.
信息名称: J.CREW商城
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网址链接: www.jcrew.com
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